3 Things to Think About Before Purchasing an Air Conditioner for Your Home

Most of the time, people have no idea how much it costs to install an air conditioning system in their home. However, before you can even find out what it might cost, you need to determine exactly why you need one, and what type you might need before you meet with any air conditioning contractors.

First, you should think about what your real reason is for acquiring a new or additional air conditioning unit…

  • If you want to keep you home cool in the summer, plus have the ability to heat your home in the winter, it’s likely that you could use a heat pump. Many people opt for a heat pump because not only does it provide cool air throughout the summer, but it can heat your home during the winter.
  • Are some rooms feeling cooler than others? Even if you already have an air conditioning system in your home, chances are you may have some rooms that do not get enough air. A great way you can solve that issue is by having a zoned air conditioning system installed.
  • If you only desire to keep one room cooler than others, a traditional air conditioner might do the trick!

Second, you should consider the size of your home.

A larger home means that a bigger air conditioning unit is necessary. Unfortunately, this also means an increase in the cost of the unit.

Third, is your ductwork in good or bad condition?

You should always get your ductwork checked by an HVAC technician. If you neglect to check the ductwork within your home, the cooled air may be released into your attic thus wasting energy and causing the air conditioner to work much harder. There is no denying that this scenario will raise your energy bills!

Thinking about having Care Temp Heating and Air Conditioning install your new air conditioning system or heat pump? Call us immediately! Family-owned and operated, we have been providing our customers with dependable service for years. Right now, we are even offering complimentary Type A (Central Air Conditioning) contracts to all NEW customers until further notice!

To learn more about us and what we can do to keep your home cool, please browse through our site, or give us a call at any time!